
What is the refund method?
1. The refund will be sent to your SHEIN wallet or original form of payment based on the refund method you chose.
2. If you did not select a refund method, we will proceed according to your choice in the refund record.
Note: Orders paid by SHEIN Gift Card will return to the Gift Card by default.
When will I receive my refund?
Once the refund has been processed, you will receive a refund notification email. Refund time depends on your refund method and bank.
SHEIN Gift Card: 24 hours
SHEIN Wallet: 24 hours
PayPal: 1-5 business days
Credit/Debit Card: 1-15 business days
How do refunds work with Klarna installment orders?
• If you have returned some or all of the items in your order to us, please allow us a few days to process your return. As soon as we have received your return, you will receive a confirmation from us by email.
• If your refund amount is less than the amount outstanding, your refund will be divided equally over the remaining installments so that the amount of the remaining installments is adjusted.
• If your refund amount is greater than the remaining balance you owe, the remaining installments will be canceled and the difference will be refunded to your original payment method.
• If you have any other questions about your invoice, please contact Klarna payment platform.
How can I get a refund if my credit/debit card is no longer valid or has expired?
For security reasons, the refund will only be processed to the original card from which the payment has been deducted.
If your original card has expired or is no longer valid, you may contact the card issuer (your bank or card company) for assistance; they will still be able to receive the money on your behalf.
How to check/find and use my wallet?
Please log in to your SHEIN account→My Assets to check whether your refund has been applied to your 'Wallet'. Please make sure to log in to the correct account then click ' My Wallet .'
Wallet balances can be used on your next purchase or withdrawn and returned to your original form of payment.
What is ARN?
ARN stands for Acquirer Reference Number. Some debit/credit cards will generate the ARN when the refund is successful. The ARN will be displayed on the 'Refund Details' page and we will also send an email to inform you of the ARN.
If you have not received your refund within the standard time frame, please use the refund Acquirer Reference Number to contact your bank for more status updates and information.
Why is the received amount less than the refund amount?
1. The bank charges a commission fee.
2. The exchange rate has changed compared to that of the payment.
3. Refunds are used to deduct installment fees.
4. The refund is for the actual price paid, not the sale price.
If you receive less than the original amount, you may contact your bank to check the above scenarios.
Note: The original shipping fee and handling fee are non-refundable.